SEABREEZE now sold 10/1/22
Currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION, planning to be ready to move in around Christmas 2022, is now for sale in The Cape.
10 Spinifex Court, Cape Paterson
Seabreeze, is a beautiful, sustainable, solar powered, 8.4 star energy efficient home, providing the best of modern coastal living with a light footprint, in the heart of The Cape estate in Cape Paterson. Seabreeze has been beautifully designed and constructed by the award-winning combination of Beaumont Design Group and TS Constructions. Seabreeze has been inspired and is based on the Warreeny Display home photos and video are from Warreeny house.
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![10 Spinifex Crt Cape Paterson (002) Floor plan 211217.jpg](
![The Cape Materplan showing lot 177.jpg](
Get in touch with Marie for an inspection
0407 435 011
The Cape Sales Office:
2 Trumpeter Street
Cape Paterson, 3995